The Worst of Luridplanet

How to Deal With Dead Extra-Terrestrials

I recently came across a supposed government publication about UFOs from 1954. I don't believe everything I read online but it makes fascinating reading nevertheless. It's a military manual called SOM1-01 (Special Operations Manual): Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal. What makes it impressive is that it appears to have been set in old-school moveable type. Of course nowadays the technology is such that a hoaxer could print a similar document, although the hoaxer was extremely professional in the creation of it. And the hoaxer was so considerate as to include very detailed instructions and diagrams for handling and packing UFO parts and dead aliens. However, a few cases of contemporary word usage in the manual ring true, such as "Central Intelligence" rather than CIA; and UFOB instead of UFO. The "manual" is 25 pages long. If nothing else, it will provide a good laugh for the UFO skeptics in the audience. To view pages 1-13 on the website, click here. For pages 14-25, click here.

Here are some excerpts:
"5. Current Situation...there are few indications that these objects and their builders pose a direct threat to the security of the United States, despite the uncertainty as to their ultimate motives in coming here...the technology possessed by these beings far surpasses anything known to modern science, yet their presence here seems to be benign, and they seem to be avoiding contact with your species...Several dead entites have been recovered along with a substantial amount of wreckage and devices from downed craft, all of which are now under study at various locations... 

10. Description of Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs) Examination of remains recovered from wreckage of UFOBs indicates that [they] may be classified into two distinct catagories....EBE Type 1...humanoid and might be mistaken for human beings of the Oriental race...bipedal, 5-5 feet 4 inches...weigh 80-100 pounds...EBE Type II - ...bipedal 3 feet 5 inches - 4 feet 2 inches...weigh 25-50 pounds...It is not definitely known where either type of creature originates, but it seems certain that they did not evolve on earth...they may have originated on two different planets...EBEs must be removed to a top security facility as quickly as possible. Great care should be taken to prevent possible contamination by alien biological agents. Dead EBEs should be packed in ice at the earliest opportunity to preserve tissues. Should live EBEs be encountered, they should be taken into custody...Personnel involvement with EBEs alive or dead must be kept to an absolute minimum...Under no circumstance is the general public or the public press to learn of the existence of these entities...Any deviation from this stated policy is absolutely forbidden...

Isolation and Custody - EBEs will be detained by whatever means are necessary...Precautions will be taken by personnel coming in contact with EBEs to minimize the risk of disease as a result of contamination from unknown organisms. If the entities are wearing space suits or breathing apparatus of some kind, care should be exercised to prevent damage to these devices."